AI Design Thinking Exercises and Human-to-Machine Communication Model

Eric Chi
3 min readMay 7, 2019

AI Design Thinking Exercises

AI Design Thinking Exercises Screenshot

Here’s the link to Mural board: (Provided by Jennifer Sukis)

AI Design Thinking Exercises provides a chance to walk through whole the design process of AI related product step by step. From kick-off to present, the whole process takes about 13.5 hours. As a student who is a rookie to AI design field, this exercise serves as a guide to help me catch the scope and direction in long process. Here is the section that I really like about this exercise.

Prioritize intents + ethics, bias, privacy

Prioritize intents + ethics, bias, privacy for frankLIN

Ethics, bias and privacy are three common issues that AI face nowadays. AI has to face these issues inevitably. Thus, as a good designer, we have to put these issues in mind and keep remind us to be cautious. The chart allows us prioritize our intents and also let us keep an eye on the potential issues that lay under our design. Once we are aware of these issues from the very beginning of our design, we are able to come up with better solutions to them.

Overall, this exercise can be a perfect template for design sprint or those people who are doing design for AI for the very first time. However, there are some stuffs could be improved.

  1. Instruction: Although there are some instructions, not all the sections have a specific instruction for it. In my experience, sometime we spent a lot of time on figuring out what to do in this section. As a result, it would be better if there’s a thorough manual about this exercise.
  2. Example: During the process, sometimes we were stuck and limited ourselves which is common in design process. Hence, to have an example that we can refer would be great for future users. To clarify, I don’t agree with showing these examples at first of the exercise because people may be affected by it. Nonetheless, waiting until the time when people are stuck, an example can be a fresh to help people gain some progress.

Human-to-Machine Communication Model

Here’s the link to Human-to-Machine Communication Model: (Provided by Jennifer Sukis)

This model provides a clear and easy way for people to learn how cognitive systems work. With a thorough understand of cognitive systems, we can ask machine to perform responsible decisions based on humankind’s needs, values, and expectations.

To me, this article articulates the details how every stage works and how do them relate to each other. If would be better if there are some exercises that people can actively go through each stages. Otherwise it is a really helpful to read and learn.

Finally, I would like to ask anyone to be bold and boundless about your idea during whole process. Don’t afraid of sharing your ideas to everyone. Sometime a wild and impractical idea could turn out to be an amazing one!



Eric Chi

A UX designer, developer, Lornhorn alum! Check my portfolio to learn more about me: